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DAY THREE     Wednesday, 17th January 2024   Speke Resort Hotel - Munyonyo
Ministerial Meeting
8:30-9:00am - Arrival of Ministers and Heads of Delegation at the Holding Room (Venue: Semiliki Hall)
9:00-9:20am - Official Group Photograph of Ministers and Heads of Delegation (Venue :Rwenzori Convention Center, Staircase)
09:30-10:00am - Opening Ceremony of the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Welcoming Address by H.E. Jessica Alupo, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda (TBC)
** Address by H.E. Jeyhun Bayramov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and current Chair of the NAM
** Election by acclamation of the Chair of the NAM Ministerial Meeting
** Statement by the elected Chair of the NAM
10:00am – 10:30am Tea/Coffee Break
10:30am – 01:00pm - Plenary Session of the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting (Venue : Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Adoption of the agenda of the NAM Ministerial Meeting
** Report by the Chair of the Senior Officials’ Meeting
** Interactive Session for Ministers and Heads of Delegations (Statements shall not exceed 4 minutes each for Member States)
1:00-2:30pm - Lunch Break
** Lunch for Ministers (Venue : Upper Pool Side)
** Lunch for Delegates (Venue : Peace Hub)
02:30pm – 04:30pm - Plenary Session of the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
04:45pm – 06:30pm - NAM Ministerial Committee on Palestine (Venue: Victoria Ball Room)
** Members of the Committee, UNSC NAM Members, and NAM Troika
07:30pm – 09:30pm - Cultural Gala Dinner hosted by H.E. Gen. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda (Venue: Lake Victoria Serena Kigo Hotel)

DAY FOUR     Thursday, 18th January 2024   Speke Resort Munyonyo
Ministerial Meeting
8:30-9:00am - Arrival of Ministers and Heads of Delegation at the Holding Room (Venue: Semiliki Hall)
9:00-11:00am - Continuation of Plenary Session of the Non- Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Interactive Session for Ministers and Heads of Delegations (Statements shall not exceed 4 minutes each for Member States)
11:00am-1:00pm - Plenary Session to consider and adopt documents to be submitted to the Heads of State and Closing Ceremony (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Final Kampala Outcome Document
** Kampala Declaration
** Declaration on Palestine
** Closing Statement by H.E. Gen. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda and Chair of the NAM Ministerial Meeting
01:00pm – 02:20pm - Lunch Break
** Lunch for Ministers (Venue: Upper Pool Side)
** Lunch for Delegates (Venue: Peace Hub)

DAY FIVE     Friday, 19th January 2024   Speke Resort Munyonyo
Summit of Heads of State and Government
8:30-9:15am - Arrival of Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegations at the Holding Room. (Venue: Semiliki Hall)
9:15am - Official Summit Group/Family Photo (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Staircase)
09:30am – 12:30pm - Opening Ceremony of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Address by H.E. Ilham Heydar Oghlu Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and current Chair of the NAM.
** A minute of silence in memory of leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement who passed away since Baku Summit
** Report by H.E. Ilham Heydar Oghlu Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the activities of NAM from 2019-2024
** Election by acclamation of H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda as Chair of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM
** Official transfer of the Chair of the NAM from Azerbaijan to Uganda
** Inaugural address by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda as Chair of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM
** Address by H.E. Miguel Diaz-Canel y Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba and Chairperson of the Group of 77 and China
** Address by H.E. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
** Address by H.E. the Secretary General of the United Nations
** Addresses by the representatives of the Regional Groups comprising the Movement: (Regional Groups are requested to limit statements to 5 minutes)
**** African Region
**** Asia-Pacific Region
**** Latin America and the Caribbean Region
**** European Region
12:30-1:45pm - Lunch (To be served either in the rooms of residence or Commonwealth Banqueting Hall)
2:00-6:30pm - Plenary Session of the Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Adoption of the Agenda and Programme of Work of the Summit
** Election of the Bureau
** Consideration of admission of new members and participation of Observers and Guests
** Consideration of the Report of the Ministerial Meeting
** Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. (Delegations are requested to limit the statements to seven minutes)
7:00pm - State Banquet hosted by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, in honor of Heads of Delegation (Venue: Sun Set Restaurant)

DAY SIX     Saturday, 20th January 2024   Speke Resort Munyonyo
Summit of Heads of State and Government
8:20-8:45am - Arrival of Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegations at the Holding Room (Venue :Semiliki Hall )
9:30-1:00pm - Continuation of the Plenary Session of the Heads of State & Government and Heads of Delegationf Delegation (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. (Delegations are requested to limit the statements to seven minutes)
1:00-2:30pm - Lunch (To be served either in the rooms of residence or Commonwealth Banqueting Hall)
2:30-4:00pm - Continuation of the Plenary Session of the Heads of State & Government and Heads of Delegation (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of delegations. (Delegations are requested to limit the statements to seven minutes)
4:15- 5:30pm - Closed Session for the adoption of the final documents of the XIX Summit by the Heads of State & Government (limited to Member States) venue: (Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Kampala Final Outcome Document
** Kampala Declaration
** Declaration on Palestine
5:20-6:15pm - Closing Ceremony of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM (Open to Observer Countries & Organizations) Venue(Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
** Addresses by the representatives of the Regional Groups comprising the Movement: (Regional Groups are requested to limit statements to 3 minutes)
**** African Region
**** Asia-Pacific Region
**** Latin America and the Caribbean Region
**** European Region
** Closing Statement by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and Chair of the XIX Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM

RUNNING EVENTS     15th - 20th January 2024   Conference Room: TBC
Side Event by the South Centre
The side event will be held in parallel to the Summit Plenary Session from 2:30-3:30pm.