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Serena Kampala Hotel

Meeting of the Spouses of the NAM Heads of State and Government (1+2)

Event Category
Date range
Day sub-programmes
1:00 pm - Travel to Kampala Serena Hotel
1:30 pm - Arrival of Spouses and entertainment by Masters of Drum cultural group
1:35 pm - Spouses are ushered to the Meeting Tent
1:40 pm - Prayer
1:45 pm - Welcome remarks
1:55 pm - Lunch is served
2:55 pm - Documentary showcasing activities of the First Lady of Uganda,on empowering the girl child and women.
3:05 pm - Discussion on the documentary and sharing of best practices on women’s empowerment by Spouses (3 min for each Spouse).
3:25 pm - Entertainment and Refreshments.
3:35 pm- Closing Remarks by the First Lady and Hon. Minister of Education and Sports
** Unveiling of a Plaque to Launch the OAFLAD Campaign (TBC).
** Giving of Gifts.
** Group Photo
3:50 pm - Departure for Hotels of Residence
Day number