Speke Resort Hotel - Munyonyo
Meeting of the Senior Officials
Event Host
To be communicated soon!!!!
Scheduled day
Day 2
Event Category
Date range
Tuesday, 16th
Day sub-programmes
9:00am-11:00am - Continuation of the consideration of the Draft Kampala Final Document by two Committees
** Political Committee (Venue: Victoria Ball Room)
** Economic & Social Affairs Committee (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
11:00am – 11:15am - Tea/Coffee Break
11:15am – 01:00am - Continuation of the consideration of the Draft Kampala Final Document by two Committees
** Political Committee (Venue: Victoria Ball Room)
** Economic & Social Affairs Committee (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
1:00-2.30pm - Lunch (Venue: Peace Hub)
2.30-5:00pm - Continuation of the consideration of the Draft Kampala Final Document by two Committees
** Political Committee (Venue: Victoria Ball Room)
** Economic & Social Affairs Committee (Venue: Rwenzori Convention Center, Main Hall)
5:00-6:00pm - Plenary session of the Senior Officials’ Meeting for the adoption of the outcome documents for the Ministerial Meeting & Closing Ceremony
** Reports by the Chairs of the Political Committee and the Economic and Social Affairs Committee
** Endorsement of the outcome documents
** Adoption of the Report of the Senior Officials’ Meeting
** Adoption of the Provisional Agenda and Programme of Work of the Ministerial Meeting
6:00pm - Closing of the Senior Officials’ meeting
Day number